Tuesday, January 17, 2012

The Annual Gingerbread Man Contest

You may or may not have heard of the Messick family annual gingerbread man decorating contest. It's a pretty big deal! :) We all take it very seriously. (Sara cried when she lost last year. Ha ha.) It's not one of those competitions where everyone is a winner. We usually get a neighbor to come over and judge and they MUST pick a 1st place, 2nd, 3rd, etc., all the way to last place. I am usually a top contender.

I think I won 2nd place in 2009:

In 2010 I think I did pretty well:

Now comes the great disappointment of 2011. (I still think it's because our judge was a 17 year old boy. Of course he would choose Avatar.) Also note that I only bothered to pay attention to the places of those who beat me. Ha ha. Aren't I mature?

This is Cam's first time not taking last place:

I think Ben did pretty well for his first year!

All of us working:


  1. Cam's first time not in last place! Ha, what an accomplishment. 5th place Steph, that is pretty bad. My favorite is your Russell from Up!

  2. I agree, I thought yours was the best but the Kim Kardashian cookie made me laugh out loud.

    1. You don't know how happy it made me to read that you thought mine was the best! Wahoo! I agree the Kim K. was pretty good. Especially the boobs.

  3. i never realized how short Cameron made Waldo's legs. for some reason I think it's so funny.
