Thoughts about our little Andy:
-He loves songs! We can get him to smile instantly by singing "Patty-cake," "If you're happy and you know it," and "Andy, Andy I've been thinking." He also loves, "The eensy, weensy spider."
-While doing turbo jam, I discovered that he he finds any kind of crazy, unusual movement absolutely hilarious. We do crazy dancing for him all the time attempting to make him giggle.
-He can sit up securely by himself.
-He loves his new johnny jump up! (Thank you Grandma Liz!)
-Loves to play airplane, be thrown up in the air, and be turned upside down.
-Weight: 19 lbs 10 oz (75-90%), Height: 27.5 inches (75-90%), and Head Circ: 46 cm (90-95%). He is growing out of his clothes at an alarming rate! His 9 month clothes are almost too small, and he fits in 12 month stuff comfortably.
-Loves when people clap! It makes him so excited. Especially when I chant his name while clapping or say "Yay!"
-Sucks on absolutely everything. Still no teeth in sight, though.
-Has a love/hate relationship with all his toys. He loves them for about 5 minutes at which point they turn very frustrating to him because they just don't seem to do what he wants them to do.
-Still needs constant attention! He's happy as long as he's being played with.
-Likes reading books. He likes to turn the pages. Though he's ready to be done with the book after about 1 minute.
-He has the most beautiful, long eyelashes.
-Still doesn't seem to like going on walks in his stroller.
-Loves to play the piano. I like to sit his bumbo on the bench and watch him pound away.
-Still hates tummy time. But he'll roll over if he's not too tired and is in the mood.
-He wiggles and moves constantly! I think he'll be so relieved when he finally crawl and walk around. We always say he's so tired of being a baby.
-He hates to sit and loves to stand.
-Is still not the best sleeper. We're hoping to get a more regular schedule set up soon so I can start teaching piano again. He still wakes up 2-3 times during the night. Yuck.
-LOVES bath time! He does it now without his little infant bath. He lays down and kicks like crazy. He soaks us!
-We waited until 6 months to try solids. He HATED rice cereal. Like--gagging, crying, hated it. We tried oatmeal. I wouldn't say he liked it, but at least he wasn't gagging. Still, most of it ends up on his bib. He doesn't get that he's supposed to swallow. I tried mixing it with pureed bananas today, which didn't seem to make any difference. Good thing he still nurses so well!
-Grew tons of blond hair this month.