April: Our First Half Marathon
Cameron and I trained for and ran our first half marathon in April. It was SO fun to train for it together. We really gained a love for long distance running that has continued through the year and led us to some more races.
April/May: Thailand
We took the trip of a lifetime together and absolutely loved exploring Thailand together. We spent a few weeks going all over: Bangkok, Chiang Mai, Phuket, and Phi Phi. I can't believe I've never done a more detailed blog post about it..I need to before I forget everything!

June: Camping in Zion's
We had so much fun camping with one of Cameron's best friends Brendan Blake and his adorable girlfriend Lindsey. We LOVED all the hiking, relaxing, and getting to know each other better. What a beautiful place Zion's is.

June/July/August: California
Cameron had an internship for Ernst & Young in Palo Alto, CA during the summer. We loved our "summer of fun" (as we called it). We did super fun things every weekend and every night. I miss it all the time--especially since I spent most of my time relaxing by the pool. Our highlights included: visiting lots with Cameron's family, driving to Half Moon Bay for walks, trying new restaurants, Great America Theme Park, Monterey Bay/Carmel, playing frisbee at the park, wonderful San Francisco visits, visits from my family, and a whole bunch of other stuff.

August: Our 1 Year Anniversary!
We celebrated our 1st year of marriage up in Park City with a whole bunch of fun activities and a delicious dinner. ]
September: Top of Utah Marathon
I crazily decided to run the Top of Utah Marathon in September. It was such a good experience! It was tough tough tough, but I was happy because I (barely) made my goal of finishing under 4 hours...3:59 was my time. Ha ha.

October: Master's Recital
I had my last recital ever (hopefully) at the end of October and was SO pleased with how it all turned out. My senior recital of my bachelor's wasn't the best experience, so it was a huge success for this recital to go well and for me to actually enjoy it a little bit. It was a huge day: ran the Halloween Half in the morning, recital in the afternoon, and found out I was pregnant later that night. Whew!

October: Expecting our First! (November/December: Sick Time for Stephanie)
As just mentioned, we found out we're expecting our first on June 28! We couldn't be more excited and can't wait for this little one to join us. We're especially excited this new addition will join us before we move to California in the fall. It's been a rough couple of months being pretty sick, but it'll all be worth it. I'm grateful my recital was out of the way so I've had time to rest.

December: Christine Got Married!
My baby sister got married a couple of weeks ago. Crazy! It was a wonderful, beautiful day and I couldn't be more happy for her and for Ben. Isn't she a beautiful bride?

We're so grateful we've had such a wonderful year, full of so many successes and blessings. We're excited to see what 2011 brings. We've already decided to call it the "year of changes" because of everything coming up: both of us graduating in April with our Masters' (WAHOO!!!!), having a baby in June, moving to California in the fall, and Cameron starting a "real" job with Ernst & Young.