Friday, April 26, 2019

New York 2019

Cameron and I took a trip to NYC and had the best time! We got lots of massages in asian foot massage places, ate lots of good food, saw some plays, walked the city, and really had a great time. The weather wasn't the best (super rainy), but it was just the getaway we needed! Most things are pictured below, but we also went to the temple to do initiatories, which was so great. Also--we did a studio tour at NBC that was really fun too! 

The first night, we just wandered around the city. We stumbled on a really cool old church and visited Magnolia Bakery too.

Breakfast at Sadelle's. Right up Cameron's alley.

Saw Dear Evan Hansen and LOVED IT. We both cried. It's one of my top musicals ever.

Eating at a yummy asian noodle place I don't remember the name of.

This is what I was wearing when Cameron said I looked like an old lady asian tourist. I was trying on the hat at a store which apparently added to the effect.

Walking the High Line.

Lots of massages.

We were so excited to see Bryan Cranston, but did not love this.

Grand Central Terminal

This is the face of someone who thinks she's about to see world-class singers perform a night of music by Eric Whitacre, conducted by Eric Whitacre, in Carnegie Hall. A lifelong dream about to be fulfilled.

And this is the photo you take when you realize you actually just paid an outrageous amount of money to watch Eric Whitacre conduct a bunch of high school seniors on their choir trip. And also you accidentally ping your phone with your watch and it's really really loud and the entire concert hall of parents is glaring at you.

Central Park

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