I literally could not imagine a more perfect mother-in-law. My thoughts about this sweet woman:
-The first time I met Kathy, I was stunned with how gorgeous she is. And the more I've gotten to know her, the prettier she becomes because she is so beautiful on the inside too.
-She has always made me feel so comfortable and welcome. Our first Christmas married, she spoiled me rotten. She took such great care to plan so many gifts that I would like. I felt so special and cared about.
-On that same note, that's what Kathy is good at: making everyone feel special and cared about. She is always doing things for other people. Truly, one of the most selfless people I've ever met. She will do anything for anyone.
-She organizes these wonderful parties for extended family. They are elaborate and take so much work! She always has all these little games planned, delicious dinners, good desserts. She puts so much work into making sure family time happens.
-Birthday crowns! She makes birthday crowns for everyone in the extended family. And they are elaborate!! This means she's making 50+ crowns every year. She's amazing.
-I think a story Brendan tells captures Kathy well--I guess Brendan loved his stuffed animals when he was young and wanted to throw birthday parties for each one all the time. Kathy would go all out and make the stuffed animal a cake, etc. What a fantastic mom.
-She is so generous. One example: we lived at their house for a couple months and she wouldn't allow us to buy any of our own food or anything.
-She is so talented! She designed their gorgeous house and has decorated it so beautifully.
-I have never met anyone so organized. Everything in her house has a place. And it's always there.
-Everything she does is exceptional. I don't think she's capable of doing anything half-heartedly. I've noticed this with her callings, parties (like my bridal shower and baby shower), her job (after all, she won employee of the year in the school district her first year!), making movies for people...everything.
-Speaking of making movies. I had to get some video clips put on a DVD for a teaching certification I was doing. I didn't really know how to do it, so I asked her for some help. In true Kathy fashion, she stopped everything she was doing and made me a fancy-DVD with a menu, music, pictures, etc. It took her more time than I initially thought it would, but she acted like it was no big deal.
-She keeps all these amazing traditions. She buys us all a Christmas ornament every year, depending on what we've been working on for the year. She buys Cameron a nutcracker every year for Christmas.
-She is an amazing gift giver. For example, for my most recent birthday, she gave me a book of my blog for all of 2009. It is beautiful. It must have taken her ages to design it. That means so much when she is so incredibly busy.
-She is such a hard worker. She works full-time and does all the book-keeping for Greg's business. She is seriously busy and stays on top of it all.
-She tolerates her husband's and sons' endless teasing so well. :) She's so good natured and is so fun to be around.
-She is such a good grandma to Andy. You can just see how much she loves him. She bought puppets to entertain him with when we skype.
-Most importantly, she raised my sweet Cameron to be the wonderful man that he is. I couldn't be more grateful for that. There are so many things I see Cameron do and I think..."He got that from Kathy," or, "Kathy taught him that."
I love you very much Kathy! Thanks for all you do. We miss you!