Sunday, October 31, 2021

Davis at 2 years, 3 months

 Our little Davis is growing up! Here are some things we want to remember about him: 

  • He has a big presence in our home! He's a wild toddler and I feel like I spend most of my time and energy trying to keep up with him and his big presence. I feel like he's going to do some big things in life!
  • He has a huge need to move and needs a lot of stimulation. We're always trying to get him to run around outside, take him on walks, take him to the park, etc. I truly think he gets pretty bored at home. 
  • He loves animals! Whenever we drive by cows (tows) and horses, he says hi to them and is very excited. He knows lots of animal names and sounds. He loves going to the farm. He really loves fishies. And whenever he can he terrorizes our poor goldfish Po Dameron by stirring him up with the fish net or dumping whatever he can into the fish bowl. Somehow Po has survived thus far!
  • He says "bye" to things a lot. We'll pass his shoes and he'll say, "Bye shoes!" It's very cute. 
  • He was a little delayed with his speech, but he's come a long way and knows lots of words now! Kids on the Move comes and helps us with his speech. 
  • He likes to read books. He loves some of his older brothers' books especially and likes to point out the interesting things in them. 
  • He's a picky eater. We're hoping he grows out of this. He likes waffles, cereal, and "nana" for breakfast. He usually likes pizza. Sometimes likes chicken nuggets. It's hard to know what he'll eat. But you can count on him throwing all his food once he's done. Yes...even cereal with milk in it. 
  • He has a STRONG will. He knows what he wants. That trait coupled with being two equals lots and lots and lots of tantrums. 
  • He throws and hits a lot, but I feel like this has improved at least a little bit. Thankfully. 
  • He really hates being away from me and Cameron. Nursery has been a struggle, though we've now successfully left him twice for at least half of the time! He hates the gym day care and they usually have to come get me. He's been doing a "mom's day out" on Wednesday mornings, but we're going to stop because he's unhappy most of the time and not getting used to it. 
  • He LOVES to swing! He's pretty bossy and will get mad if it's not high enough or if you even miss one push. 
  • He loves to watch Cocomelon. And some Mickey Mouse shows. When the Netflix logo turns on, he turns to me and says "Wow!" with wide eyes. Every time. :)
  • We did successfully get rid of his binkies. I think in April or May? But we still give him bottles, so we've probably got to stop that soon. 
We love our bubby! 

Davis and I go on many walks.

He's extremely busy! If we're not with him, there's a 95% chance he's destroying something.

More destruction. Not pictured are 3 (expensive) chairs he's ruined with pen/marker. And the time he got cocoa powder all over every item in the pantry and it took me two hours to clean up. But that doesn't even come close to covering it--there is literally daily destruction. Pray for me ha ha.

Ford and Davis hanging out in the high chair corner.

Love his sweet half smile.

He loves Cameron (I would even say he prefers him). They have a really sweet relationship.

An extremely messy eater! Yogurt is always the worst. I think we'll just have to throw his stool away in a year or two.

Swing lover.

This was at a splash pad this summer. He liked the pool too! (He was scared of water at the beginning of the swim season, but he learned to like it.)

I think this was his first day back at church post-Covid!

He's a climber.

On one of our walks, always a stick in hand. :)

Abby took him to the dinosaur museum. He loves dinosaurs!

Pure joy.

These two are really sweet buddies and play so much. Violet is so good to him and takes such good care of him.

He LOVES sticks and always carries them around.

He loves the blackberries by the park on our street and always stops for a treat.

Hanging with Cooper at Mom's Day Out.

At the farm!

With Grandpa Mark

With Grandma Jean

Always looks so sweet and grown up after his haircuts.

He loves to read with Andy! This is one of his favorite books all about dinosaurs.

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