Sunday, December 8, 2024

Max at age 11

Our Maxy! What can I say about this special boy? I adore him. He's definitely grown up a lot this last year. He's very eager to be more grown up and abandon things that are for little kids. He continues to be a deep thinker and wants to know how everything works and wants to understand things. He's a big communicator and likes to connect with people. He has very big feelings and emotions. He's incredibly creative. He's a mama's boy, which I love. He's shyer on the surface and doesn't love meeting new people, but he's incredibly social with the people he knows and feels comfortable with. I've always had a special place in my heart for this special boy.

He bought this sweatshirt at the vans outlet and loves it. He wore it a whole lot for several months after he got it. 

 He continues to be a big BYU fan. He felt very betrayed and was appalled when I went to a U of U gymnastics meet with Violet.

He's still a big reader and I usually find him with a book whenever there's downtime. He got a kindle this year and has used it a lot. He's insistent that he has to read every night for at least a few minutes before bed. (A man of routines, for sure.)

He and Graham continue to be very close friends. It makes my heart so happy. He recently said about Graham,"Graham is the kind of friend who brings extra money to school for me to buy a sucker in case I forget money." I've thought about that so much. I'm so glad he has such a good friend.

This project is so typical of Max! He made the coolest Valentines box this year. He thought of it all on his own and had this big plan. He spent so much time on it and it was so cool. I love his ideas.

I love Max's art.

We're still trying to talk him into enjoying mountain biking and it's only kind of working. :)

He did a AA soccer team for the first time for the 2023-2024 season. It wasn't a great fit overall and we went back to a rec team for 2024-2025. Honestly, I think the rec team is better? It's been a better fit overall. 

The cutest Augustus Gloop that ever was! Max surprised us by wanting to try out for the school play, Willy Wonka. He told them he didn't want a big part and didn't want any singing solos--they cast him as Charlie, haha. He felt like that was too big of a part for his first play, so they switched him to Augustus Gloop. It was a great experience overall. He was incredibly nervous as the performances got closer. But I was so proud of him. He did it! He got up and did great and conquered his fear! It was a great learning experience for him and we talked about how he can always remember it as proof he can do really hard things out of his comfort zone.

Max has continued to grow as a pianist and is sounding incredible. He made it to the honors recital for the concerto festival. He played a concerto by Vandall and loved it. He actually did every encore event for 2023-2024 so he could earn a plaque. He has the same goal for 2024-2025. Cameron still practices with him and does a great job.

I find funny pictures like this on my phone. This was the first year we let him get friends' phone numbers on his gabb watch. This was the picture he took and sent to Brielle Richins to use as his contact picture haha.

Andy and Max both shaved their heads in May!

He looks happy here, but overall definitely regretted the buzz decision. Someone teased him in primary once and he hated it after that. (He's definitely one to hold a grudge and will probably remember who teased him forever.) 

The three amigos! These three did a lot together all summer. Their favorite was riding bikes to snoasis.

Max is still a mama's boy and always wants to sit by me. GG recently commented that you can always find Max right next to his mom, and I realized she's right. Especially at family gatherings or big social gatherings he's always right by me. I think I'm a comfort blanket for him. :) He always is still a big physical touch guy and always wants to snuggle. Oh and he's always demanding that I scratch his back haha. Sometimes I do, sometimes I say I'm not his servant.

His funny idea for the Bear Lake Messick Variety show. It was so funny. He did the main Greatest Showman song.

Cutest swimmers


Max got this new suit and decided he looked just like a butler and so he decided to be one. :)

Max talked about crashing Libby Tucker's birthday party, which was all girls. After I talked to Libby's mom, he and Graham officially got permission to go for the last 30 minutes. The girls started screaming and squealing and then had them do girly things like these face masks.

He worked so hard to be ready for the Keyboard Competition! He got third place in his division. He played Mozart Sonata k. 280 3rd mvt. and Bartok Bagatelle.

Max had the funnest idea to be in charge of the food at Violet's birthday party. He and Graham spent the whole day preparing menus and thinking through every detail of taking orders, delivering food, etc. It really highlights what's so special about Max--big ideas, intelligent execution, detail oriented, and just so fun! He totally made the birthday party. They also hid the dolls all over the basement in funny ways. The girls loved it and several of the girls said they had crushes on Max by the end of the night. :)

Max was a waiter named Pierre and Graham was a chef.

Some friends of Max came to cheer him on at his soccer game and made this cute poster! (Danielle, Hattie, and Hadley)

Max decided to do a funny picture for his 5th grade picture and it's just so him to do that. He's just so funny. Also--he's worn this onesie every night all year until I finally got him a second onesie a month ago (Sonic). He's a big onesie guy.
  • Max is very into money this year. He learned how to ride his bike to Smith's with friends, usually Graham and Bailey. (Though he doesn't love the uphill ride home.) He loves to buy all sorts of trinkets and treats at the store. He got his own debit card this year and definitely puts it to use. He has a thread wallet he uses and carries everywhere. 
  • He's developed a love for onesie pajamas and wore his Christmas onesie basically every night the whole year until I recently bought him a sonic onesie to add to the rotation.
  • I recently asked him the hardest part of his life, and he said, "Not being taller." He really dislikes being one of the shorter kids in the grade. We have lots of chats about that. Although--I recently uncovered that he rarely eats lunch at school (and I've definitely noticed he doesn't eat much at home). So we've talked more about how important it is to give our bodies three meals a day that include carbs/fat/protein and that his body can't grow without giving it enough food. 
  • In general we're working on shifting to a more positive mindset. We might be doing the funnest thing in the world and Max tends to find the one thing that could be better or isn't quite right. :)
  • Max loves bedtime chats with me and wants me to lay in his bed and chat with him every night. He's not happy if it's just for a minute. We talk about all sorts of things; I love it. He always wants me to scratch his back too. 
  • He's definitely involved in the school drama lately. It'll usually be Hattie and Brielle fighting and Max is in the middle of them sending messages back and forth. 
  • Max is our biggest foodie. He cares about presentation and enjoys a fancier meal. I saw him make avocado toast recently (one of his favorites) and put a sprinkle of some herb on the top. He also loes to make his own eggs, grilled cheese, and breakfast sandwiches. 
  • He still has his big temper and big feelings! Something we're definitely talking about and working on. I do love his passion and opinions...most of the time. :) 
  • Related to the temper: he also is the king of insults. It's hard to be mad sometimes cause they're pretty funny. Yesterday he called someone "chowder cheeks." And I also heard on the Alexa "Go to Walmart and buy some ears, butt head." 
  • The are basically no pictures with Violet and Max for a reason--he finds her to be incredibly annoying. Another thing we have lots of chats about! I hear lots of screaming upstairs at this very moment, and can safely bet he is the culprit. 
  • He's played soccer for quite a few years now, but it feels like he all of a sudden made a huge jump this fall! He's playing with a new rec team, but it's a fantastic team and a great coach. It's been a great fit! He's made a goal at almost every game and is really excited about playing indoor. He keeps asking when it will start. (Which, by the way, he's one of the most persistent people you will ever meet.)
  • While he's definitely a mama's boy, he also finds me to be the most embarrassing person on the planet. I told his class last year I would do a dance for them and he almost died of embarrassment.
  • We love our Maxy! (Even though he doesn't like when I call him that anymore.) He's a big personality with lots of ideas and we love having him in our home and family. 

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