Andy continues to be a force! It's crazy to think about how much he's changed this past year and how much his life has changed too--starting junior high, moving down to the basement, starting young mens, getting his first phone, switching soccer teams, etc.
- Moving downstairs has been a big change this year! He spends a lot of time down there, usually blasting really loud rap music. Right now he says he likes The Gorillaz, Juice World, and Travis Scott.
- He has gotten very into clothes and fashion this year. He cares very much about his clothes and is very into shoes. He loves his air jordans and dunks. He keeps his nice Nikes in their boxes in his mudroom locker and is always scouting out Nike's website dreaming about future shoes.
- He's shot up this year and passed me up in height a month or two ago. He's a size 9 shoe, but likes to buy size 10 shoes so they'll fit him longer ha ha.
- He's been in the ALL classes at Timberline this year, which has big overall a great experience. I think it's helping him develop some critical thinking. Math has been tough, but it's helping him create some good habits like going slower and showing his work. His favorite class is English.
- He is still reading constantly. He says his favorite books are Aragon, Fablehaven, and Dragonwatch.
- Andy got his first phone this year! A Gabb phone. We thought we were getting him the "safe phone for kids," but didn't realize there's no way to limit the amount of time it's used. So we're battling him texting basically all day every day.
- Girls...we'll just say there's definitely some interest in girls this year, and there's one particular girl he's texting all the time. ;)
- Andy continues to excel at piano. He's very talented. We've made the transition to me not helping him practice at all, which I think is really good for both of us though practicing may be slightly less effective. ;) He's learning the Prokofiev "Montagues and Capulets" right now and loves it. He worked on a Bolcom Rag piece earlier this year and loved that too. He got second place in the Encore Keyboard Competition and was a winner in the Encore Concerto Festival too. Right now he's learning "Moonlight Sonata" very quickly before learning his first "real" Beethoven sonata. He definitely complains about practicing but also loves being able to play. He played his Moskowski during a choir concert this year and loved that. He also played in church this year and played in a stake youth meeting--"I Believe in Christ."
- He loved doing student council in sixth grade and misses that. I think they became a really close knit group and he loved the experiences they had together. His favorite was doing the chalk festival.
He loved his sixth grade class and having Mrs. Childs as his teacher. |
He did Jr. Jazz last winter and loved it! |
His friend Asher was his partner for a school project during the Renaissance Fair. They made a game that was kind of like combining chess with soccer. |
This is from Andy's first time doing baptisms for the dead. We haven't taken him quite enough this year, but he's really enjoyed the experiences he's had. |
So special that he gets to know his Great Grandma! He loves GG and they have a sweet relationship. |
A few shots from his sixth grade class. |
One of many piano events this year! Andy has a goal to do every Encore event during the year so he gets a plaque. |
This ended up being his final season with his Steel Titans team. He absolutely loved playing on this team. This past fall it transitioned to becoming a La Roca team. The coach is the same and a few team members are the same, but it's mostly very different and a lot more competitive. |
Another fun sixth grade shot. |
We finished our basement this year and got my childhood piano down there. Andy loves playing it and loves the bright sound. |
There's a really sweet, tender side to Andy that we occasionally get to see. He has a soft spot for little kids--especially little cousins like Carson and Fordy. Here he's helping Davis during his first ever dentist appointment. |
A cute Vanuatu shot. |
His good friend Jayden moved away this year, which was a big bummer. He, Jayden, and Kade Ballam have had a marco polo conversation all year that's very cute. |
Like most boys his age he's gone through a real Prime obsession this year and spent much of his money on these bottles. He even has an empty bottle collection in his room. |
Andy's new La Roca team he started on in the fall. |
Seventh grade picture |
Andy joined the mountain biking team and had a fantastic first season. I think he really caught the competitive bug after his first race. He missed one race because there were a bunch of grasshoppers on the course and he still really really really hates bugs. |
He won second place in the Encore Keyboard Competition this year. He did so well and was so happy! He played the Preambulum of Bach's Partita No. 5 and a Moskowski Etude in F Major. |
Cute seventh grade boys after a choir concert. |
A fun night at Cornbelly's with Cade Myers and friends. They also met up with a couple of girls that night (!!!)--Isla Garlock and one of her friends. |
These three are the cutest trio. Andy loves Sam and they have so much fun together. |
Trick or treating with friends. |
Andy had a surgery in November--a turbinate reduction and adenoid removal. He has a hard time breathing through his nose and this is supposed to help. They also cauterized some blood vessels while they were in there to help with his bloody noses. I think he was surprised at how uncomfortable the whole experience was and had thought he'd just be enjoyed watching shows for a few days. |
He's been in 7th grade choir this year. |
Andy and Charlie continue to have a really cute friendship. |
Andy took art this year. These are some of his favorite pieces. |
Andy is asking me several times a week, "Mom can I make youtube videos on your phone?" He and Max have a lot of fun doing them together, especially with Sam. They get extremely excited when one of their videos gets a lot of views. Some of the content has been questionable and has to be deleted (like the video they made about stealing things from a store because they were armed with guns). Most of it is pretty harmless and cute. :) |