Sunday, October 1, 2023

July-September Highlights

McDonald's to begin a fun night to Cowabunga Bay. Max brought Graham and Andy brought Asher.

Mapleton Days with the Claytons

Miss Utah did Violet's face paint!

A date night hike to Horsetail Falls. It was on this hike that I realized there was something wrong with the rash that was appearing on my face. The next day I went to the doctor and found out I had...

Shingles! I had convinced myself it was a Fijiean fungus from our trip to Fiji and was pretty shocked it was shingles. My parents scared me to death that I was going to go blind since it was right around my eye. It ended up being a pretty horrible ordeal. Nerve pain, my scalp being super itchy, worries about my eye (which turned out to be fine, but I had a couple visits with an ophthalmologist who kept a close eye on it and prescribed me some medications). It was honestly horrible. And I felt nerve pain for several months afterward. I'm glad I caught it pretty early though, and got on antivirals pretty quickly.

24th of July at Silver Lake

Some daylight fireworks to finish off a great day.

Glad some neighbor friends could join us 

Lots of shaved ice for Max, Cooper, and Graham. This was the first summer they road bikes/scooters themselves.

I love my hiking group! Beautiful hike to Lake Blanche.

A fun Sunday up the canyon with the Craguns and Thomases.

They really love Apples to Apples. Very cute.

A fun night up at Sundance! I think we saw the Sound of Music?

The Sumner cousins came for a visit!

Max's adorable drawing of Bach he did for the Encore Project Fair.

Baby shower for my cousin Anna!

We went to see our neighbor Mitt in Oliver! But then it turned out he actually wasn't in it that day haha.

Cameron and I did our annual weekend in Park City and began with a hike. We began with a hike to Red Pine Lake and decided that Pfeifferhorn wasn't too much farther and we should just do it. 

Turns out it was actually terrifying for me and took way longer (we missed our dinner reservation) and we definitely weren't prepared with enough water or food. But we survived! And the view was pretty breathtaking.

We got to see Kristen Chenoweth at Deer Valley.

We discovered our favorite new breakfast restaurant, Five Seeds. We actually went there twice that weekend. :) 

Violet got to hang out with the Baileys at Highland Days

Fun with friends at Madi's birthday party!

Foam at the Alpine Parade

I got to go to the wedding reception of my old piano student, Laura Mabey. And I got to take a picture with my current student, Luke Mabey. I love him!

Cute Violet gathering fruit at Grandma Kathy's.

Spot It with Abby and the Baileys.

Junior High for Andy! He's doing ALL classes and is excited and ready. (Though he definitely wanted to make sure he knew where to find all of his classes.)

First day for these two cuties.

First day pic with Gigi. In the same class with Mrs. Swalberg!

Gigi, Violet, Clemmie, Madi, and Liv.

First day with Warren, Ford, Cooper, Max, Graham, and Ollie.

We're so excited to have the Craguns at our school this year! Cute Hadley and Max on the first day.

Gigi, Quinn, and Violet

Davis and Fordy are such cute buddies.

Happy Anniversary to us!

Ella Avarell is so sweet and walks Violet home from school every day. (Max can't be trusted since he's not the nicest to poor Violet.)

A visit with Gigi!

First day of preschool for this guy! 4 days a week this year at Ridgeline Preschool.

Best of buds.

Theo's in his class this year!

Love me my Maxy.

Dinosaur show with this fun bunch!

Violet and Davis picking strawberries at the Baileys. This happens a lot and I'm worried Davis has stolen most of their garden.

From a magical Emerald Lake hike with Kris and Jamie Johnson.

A fishing outing up to Silver Lake.

Fordy, Brendan, and Davis

We make lots of trips to the library and thought I should finally document one. Everyone gets their own big bag and fills it up. It's great but also stressful for me--we're perpetually looking for 1-2 lost books.

Birthday party for Violet with other first grade cuties.

Cutest kitchen assistant

Mtn Biking with Andy

I love having Lindsey in the area! Here we are hiking to Horsetail Falls

Davis and Trey are very cute buddies

State of Utah cake

Lots of playdates with these three: Trey, Davis, and Tagg. We rotate every week.

Clara with Violet

Andy did the mtn biking time for the first time this year! He enjoyed junior devos and improved his climbing a lot.

Summer is the best.

Cutest Violet and Davis bath. (Though these usually end with Davis doing something to drive Violet crazy.)

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