Sunday, October 29, 2023

Max & Violet's Family Birthday Party

We had a big birthday bash with family for Max and Violet!

Violet adores Grandma Kathy

My favorite girl in the whole world

How special that they get to know their great grandma!

10 and 7

The three amigos

Everyone loves Abby!

Cutest note and gift sent from Penny. We can't wait until they move from Texas!

A gift highlight for Violet, from Rachel and Jake. 

Sunday, October 15, 2023

Violet's 7th Birthday

Our special girl turned 7 and we had the best time celebrating! (You can see in this pic how she turned the balloons into little babies by drawing on them with marker.)

I had the time of my life decorating these cupcakes.

We started out with doing pizza, presents, and cupcakes.

She loved getting this dog that pooped "for real".

Then we headed to the salon to get our hair and nails done!

It was a blast and the girls loved it.

We love our special girl so much.

On the morning of her real birthday!

One more stuffed animal to add to her giant collection. :)

On her actual birthday we surprised her by checking her out of school and taking her to lunch to Jersey Mikes, her favorite. I told the workers it was her birthday and it super embarrassed her, haha. :)

We got her nails done as part of her birthday presents.

Monday, October 2, 2023

Cameron's 20 Year High School Reunion

We had a fun weekend getaway to Sebastopol for Cameron's 20 year high school reunion.

Brendan Blake also flew in! We had so much fun spending lots of time with him. I think it's so cool he and Cameron have been friends for so many years.

Fun group to hang out with!

This van was parked near our hotel had and the sign really had us cracking up.

Yearbook memories.

We met up for breakfast the next morning and hung out at a park too.

Fun beach walk with Brendan.

Picture with Analy High School

On our last morning we did a fun hike in Santa Rosa.

View from the top! They call this Taylor Mountain. As Utahns, we thought it was more like a hill. :)

Love the uniqueness of Sebastopol! This was town square on a Sunday morning, just a bunch of locals gathered together to make some music.

Sunday, October 1, 2023