Sunday, August 8, 2021

Swamp Camping

We tried going camping again this year at Redman! It was a little bit of a bust. There was a projected rain storm that we were eyeing and made us nervous, so we ended up going up a day later than planned and thought it would be okay. Boy were we wrong, ha ha. We didn't really take into account how the entire campsite would be completely flooded which means a whole lot of mud. Which makes the whole experience pretty uncomfortable especially when there are kids. And it made it so we couldn't even start a fire very well. And actually did end up raining quite a bit. In the middle of the night it rained for hours. And so much rain that I was pretty nervous about our tent flooding and couldn't sleep. I think I finally fell asleep around 3:30. (Cameron was sleeping at home with Davis.) At least it makes for funny memories! And (I think?) the kids thought it was fun? 
When we first got there the kids played in the stream for a while. Davis literally sat in the stream, so his clothes had to be removed. (See next picture)

This picture makes Cameron and Max looks so similar!

Abby and Davis love each other!

Hanging out one of the times we weren't hiding in the Clayton's trailer to hide from the rain.

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