Sunday, July 11, 2021

Introducing: President + Sister Messick!


We got a very big surprise in December 2020. My parents wanted to have a call with us about something. We could tell it was a big deal...we didn't know if it was good or bad or what. Turns out, they were being called as mission presidents! We weren't allowed to tell a soul. We didn't know where their call was to for a few more weeks. I initially was so excited about it! I thought maybe they'd go to California or New York or even France and could visit them every year or something. And then--they got their call. This screen shot is from the call when they told us where they were going: the Vanuatu Port Vila Mission. Basically the farthest place in the world they could possibly go. It came as quite a shock to them (and us). Though we and they were really excited!

This is from their farewell day. It was such a special day. A lot of people came to hear them and celebrate them and their call. It's been so cool for our kids to see them go through this process.

I love these two so much.

My parents generously treated us all to Ruth's Chris as a celebratory departure dinner. It was so fun and special to be all together.

Just a few days before they left us girls went to dinner with my parents to celebrate my mom's birthday. I love her so much. It was so hard to realize they were leaving. Because of Covid we all thought they would leave a bit later and would be delayed. So I felt a little robbed that they actually left on time right at the beginning of July. :)

They day they left! Saturday, July 3. Max started throwing up right as we were leaving so Cameron had to stay home with him.

Watching them walk away was an incredibly emotional moment. So, so hard. But I am so proud of them and their desire and willingness to serve such a difficult mission.

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