Monday, March 2, 2020

Davis at 7 months & a lot of photos from his first 7 months

Davis is the sweetest little guy, and I'm so glad to be his mom! Seriously, we all adore him. Everyone comments on how smiley and good natured he is. Which is usually true! The only times he gets fussy is if he wants attention/wants to be held, which is pretty frequently. He's a social guy! He doesn't like being by himself for too long. :) Some things to remember about our sweet baby:
  • He's huge! He's put on loads of weight each month and is now somewhere around 21 lbs, which is 96% for weight. He's also similar for height. And he's got a giant head like all our babies do, ha ha. We thought he was going to need a helmet for a flat spot on the back of his head, but after a second consult this week it looks like he's all in the clear! He wears 9-12 month clothes and size 3 diapers. 
  • Speaking of diapers...he literally has a blowout every single day. We've tried switching diaper sizes, 3 different brands, and none of it has helped. I think he just has a giant waste and no bum. It's truly disgusting. 
  • I exclusively pumped for Davis up until a couple weeks ago when we transitioned him to formula. He's a picky guy, so I thought he'd have trouble with it but he's actually done really well. He does best when it's super warm. (My frozen breast milk was the same way...he only liked it VERY warm.) I'm happy to be done pumping but I also miss doing that for him. Also, I couldn't have dairy his first 4 months so I'm thrilled to be done with that restriction. 
  • He's our first baby that I feel like we finally figured out tummy time with. I've been pretty consistent with it since he was a month or so old, so he's our first baby who has really learned how to roll! He loves moving around. He mostly knows how to flip from his back to his stomach and then is mad he's on his stomach, so there's that. He's really into exploring in general and loves toys. 
  • He sits! He still falls over, so we have to put some pillows behind him, but he gets better every day! He loves seeing what's going on around him. I love this stage when babies can sit up but can't move around yet. They're so happy to not be stuck on their backs! I'll never forget the first time I put Davis in a shopping cart seat--we were at Target and he looked around baffled the whole time, like, "Woah!!! Do you see that?! And that?! Has all this been here all along?" It was very cute. 
  • He loves to put weight on his feet, which I'm thrilled about. Max and Violet hated that and didn't walk til they were around 18 months old, so I'm hoping this means Davis is on an earlier trajectory. 
  • Sleep! He sleeps in this weird Merlin's Magic Sleepsuit thing that is helping him transition from swaddling. (We swaddled way longer than we were supposed to.) He also hasn't been able to flip over it, which is great because it was making him really mad when he'd flip. He takes two naps most days, sometimes three if his afternoon nap isn't long enough. He still eats twice most nights. We'll feed him once before we go to bed and then he usually wakes up to eat at 3 or 4 again. 
  • We still haven't found a solid food he wants to eat. Every time we put food in his mouth, he spits it out, confused why we'd be putting anything in his mouth at all, even fruit.
  • He loves to be sung to. He always loves when I sing him "Skinamarink."
  • He has the sweetest giggle you've ever heard. He's ticklish on his feet and armpits. He also laughs when I throw him up in the air. 

Summer nights on the swings.

Davis and his great-grandma, GG (Elizabeth Lee)

first bath!

lots of dark hair!

Grandma Jean and Davis

Best big sis.

Starting to chunk up.

Sweetest smile ever.

You can see the birthmark on his eyelid here.

So so chubby and delicious.

Davis got to model for our company Modern Maxwell.

Andy on the left, Davis on the right!

First time sitting in the shopping cart. Loved it and just looked around the whole time.

LOVES walks. As long as the sun's not in his eyes.

Davis meeting his Great Grandma, Bonnie Winterton.

He started sleeping in this ridiculous sleep suit, but it worked great.

So much chub!

The king of blowouts.

Watched lots of Andy's basketball games.

Max being the sweetest brother.

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