It has been so wonderful for me to get back into running and racing. I used to race before Andy was born. I liked it, but never really understood what moms were saying when they said they loved their exercise time. Running (and exercising in general) was always a love/hate thing for me. But lately, I just LOVE it. It's my sanity! The first few months of running (March-May or June) were really hard. I started with just 2 miles or so and even had to walk a few times in there. It didn't seem to get easier for a few months. Running 3-4 miles at 10 min/mile was still killing me in May, and I wondered how I'd ever do a half marathon again. Maybe partially due to the fact that I was still getting up with Max a few times a night and then getting up early to run? It was all very discouraging, considering I'd run 26.2 miles a few years before at 9:06/mile. Anyway, I increased mileage VERY slowly (I was nursing and didn't want to lose supply) and prepped for the Deseret News 10K on July 24. For me, I think longer distances become a lot easier as soon as I pass the 4 or 5 mile threshold. Everything felt easier in June and July as my mileage increased.
My sister Rachel did the 10k with me. We had a blast! Such a fun race. It was fun running by the big crowds who were waiting for the parade to start. I finished in 52:42, averaging 8:29/mile. I was thrilled considering I wanted to do somewhere around a 9:00 mile!

Then began the prep for the Big Cottonwood Half Marathon. I was still pretty terrified of running that many miles. The nights before my long training runs, I was always so nervous! But I pressed on. Rachel and I did one of our long runs together. Cameron even did one with me in Park City. The big day came Sept. 13. Rachel and I did it together and had a great experience. Such a fun, well-managed race! Gorgeous to run down Big Cottonwood as the sun is rising. It was a great day for me. I just kept thing, "I did it! All the nights Max woke up a million times, I woke up and went running! All those times I thought 3 miles would kill me, I pushed through! And now I did it! I just ran 13.1 miles. I can do hard things!" It made me feel so good to work so hard to accomplish a hard thing. I finished in 1:47, 8:09/mile, a new PR for me. I was thrilled!
It was FREEZING up at at the starting line. |
So fun running with Rachel! We couldn't train much together, but we'd always text each other about our runs. |
I decided to do the SLC Haunted Half in October. I did lots of speed work and trained pretty hard to try and get a new PR. Hopefully around 1:45. And then the cold of death introduced itself. It was awful! I was so sad that I'd worked so hard to be fast for the race, and I knew it would be a struggle just to run it considering how sick I was. The first 6 miles or so felt great. I was on track to PR, averaging about 8/mile. And then the cold of death said, "Hey! Remember me? I'm here! You can't keep running this fast!" And then I DIED. Oh my goodness, those last 7 miles were torture. My lungs were dying. I slowed way down. Some of my miles were way slower, like 10 min/mile. I still had a pretty good time, all things considered. 1:52, which is an average of 8:32/mile. I pushed it a little too hard, my body revolted, and I ended up being sick in bed for a few days.

I couldn't end the racing season that note, so I signed up for the Thankful 13 (on Thanksgiving Day) with my friend Lindsey! We've always wanted to do a race together. It was harder to do those long runs in the cold! And, as luck would have it, I got sick AGAIN the week before the race. I was so mad. I whined to poor Cameron constantly about it. I was so bummed thinking I'd be as miserable as I was during the Haunted Half. And I didn't want to feel so sick for the rest of Thanksgiving weekend. I decided I'd take it pretty easy and try to just enjoy it. I took the first mile pretty slow (9:30ish) and then realized I felt pretty good so I sped up. I felt great during the run. I ended up finishing in 1:49, 8:18/mile. I was thrilled! I thought I'd be much slower, so it was a nice surprise. Especially since it's a flat race and my PR time was for a mostly downhill race.

How grateful I am for running! It's done so much for me this year, mentally, emotionally, and physically. And of course, I'm so grateful for Cameron who has been so supportive. He's on kid-duty during my runs, and never rarely complains. ;)