August was another great month! Here's what we were up to:
Cameron's cousin Austin got married to wonderful Andrea in the Draper Temple. It was so fun to share in their special day! They're such a beautiful, talented couple.
Andy took swimming lessons and loved it. He did so well! They moved him up a level the first day, and his teacher always told me how impressed she was with him. By the end, he was already swimming a few strokes by himself. (Yes, I know I sound like a proud, bragging mom. :) We're proud of our little fish! This is him loving it on his first day. |
Andy and his teacher, Brighton, on their last day. |
Our dear friends Jason, Kasee, and Nora were in town for just a couple days, so we met up at Kasee's mom's house for a quick catch-up and we got to meet baby Nora! We couldn't be happier for them. They're the cutest parents to the cutest baby. (Why didn't we get a picture?!)
Fun summer activities, like impromptu running through the sprinklers at my parents' house. :) |
Cameron and I both celebrated our 29th birthdays! I think I talked about Cameron's birthday in another post. My birthday was great! My mom took me to lunch at Plates & Palates, I went with the boys to the Farmer's Market in Bountiful, and then Cameron and I went out that night to Cheesecake Factory. We ate outside, the weather was perfect...everything just seemed so nice. A great day! A little later in the month, Cameron's parents took us to Cheesecake Factory again (can you tell we love it there?) for another celebration for our birthdays. Brendan and Cameron's Grandma joined in too. I also had a fun night out at Pizzeria Limone with my Texas ladies (Lindsey, Andrea, and Kristin) to celebrate a few days after my birthday. I feel so lucky to have these life-long friends!
The only picture I have from my actual birthday, at the Farmer's Market. |
Cameron and I had a super fun date to see Ben Folds with the Utah Symphony up at Deer Valley. We loved it and had the best time. It's so beautiful up there, I think we'd enjoy any kind of concert up there, but it was especially fun to see one of our favorite artists. |
We painted. We try to repress this memory because it was so awful, but ultimately we're glad we did it. It took a couple weeks. We painted the whole main floor and upstairs hallway, both walls and ceilings. We love the way it turned out. The walls and ceiling were this yellow-y dark beige color that was clashing with the overall decorating scheme we wanted. So we painted the walls a "greige" color and the ceiling white. We had wonderful help from family members--my dad, Cameron's dad, Brendan, Sara, and Jordon. Thank you! |
I ran lots and lots to great ready for the Half Marathon I had coming up in September. Rachel was training for it too, so she came up from Provo and we did a long run together one Saturday morning. |
We had a fun swimming date with my Ryan (my cousin), his wife Kim, their cute kids, my Uncle Dale, and my cousin Sean. Andy was in heaven, jumping in a million times with the girls and playing with Sean. We finished up the night with Pizza at Uncle Dale's and had the best time! (Let's do it again, Kim!)
We celebrated our fifth anniversary! It was so fun. We went to Sawadee (our favorite!) and ate outside and chatted about the past five years.
These cute brothers played and played. |
We potty trained this cutie. To say I was terrified was a gross understatement. But--he really did great! So much better than I expected. My cute friend Amy sent me a general plan that she'd done, and it worked really well for us. I think he was really ready, which made it go well. He was very excited about his new underwear (super heroes and disney characters) and his new potty. We stayed home for a few days. He got two jelly beans whenever he went. And we didn't do any pull-ups. There have been a few accidents here and there, but nothing crazy. He was so proud of himself, it was pretty adorable. He tried to show everyone his new underwear and wanted them to watch him go on the potty. :) |
We had a fun outing to Discovery Gateway. |
We went with our good friends Candace, Olivia, and Cate to the Dinosaur Museum at Thanksgiving Point. It was crazy busy, but so fun! Andy was in heaven. |
We had some fun date nights! One of Cameron's best friends Jordan was in town with his wife Milan. We went out for dinner then they introduced us to Gourmandise for dessert. Clearly we fell in love, because we took some friends there (the Camilos) a couple weeks later when were were out with them!
We went to the zoo with my friend Amy and her boys and had a blast. Andy and Cayden get along so well. I guess we were having too much fun to take pictures. :)
We went with Cameron's parents to the Ogden Temple Open House. It was so fun to teach Andy about the temple and to then take him inside "Jesus' house." He loved it. I think he felt the spirit and it strengthened his sweet little testimony of the temple and of Jesus. He kept talking about getting married there afterward. It was so fun to go with Cameron's parents too! We had a great time at dinner with them afterward. (I also got to go with my Young Women earlier in the month. So fun!) |
The funniest moment was when we were in the little visitors tent they'd set up and suddenly we couldn't find Andy. We spotted him standing by the Christus, posing, waiting to have his picture taken. Ha! Crazy kid. |
Our boys LOVE Grandma and Grandpa! |
YW/YM Activity |
Splash pad fun with my friend Katie and her cute kids. Andy and Liza absolutely LOVE each other and get along so well. We always love getting together with them! |