Here are some highlights:
- Completely last minute, I decided to do the Little Red 50 miler. It went well considering I literally did zero training. :) And our costumes were a hit!
- Cam went on a fishing trip with his dad and brother to N. California. They had a blast!
- I got to go to Youth Conference with our stake! We went to Flaming Gorge and rafted down the Green River. I had a blast with the other YW leader from our ward, Amanda. We had a super fun/crazy boat crew. We may have gotten stuck multiple times going down the river, and we all became true sharks (got thrown in the river), but it was a blast! And the good news is that I think I've almost recovered from being in charge of planning and buying snacks for the entire stake.
- We did a little hiking on date nights. Best date ever, especially when you follow up with Yogurtland. :)
- Cam went on on early morning, long hike with some work friends.
- Lots of fun at our neighborhood splash pad! Max loved it this year.
- I got to go to Girls Camp for a few days, and it was a blast! I had so much fun hanging out with the girls and the other leaders.
- We went to Seven Peaks just about every week! The boys LOVE it. My parents got to come with us quite a bit too. Andy got brave enough to go down the big orange slide (after my parents practically tricked him into it, lol), and then he was obsessed the rest of the summer.
- We had a great July 4th! I ran in the 10K in Provo, we watched the Parade, we went up to Sundance with Cam's family, and met my family for a pool trip and dinner.
- We went to the zoo a few times! Andy was obsessed with the dinosaurs. He barely looked at the animals.
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My dad retired, and it's been amazing to have him around to do so much with the boys. They adore him. |
- We had some fun park dates with my parents!

- A major highlight was that we officially started a business in June! We sell baby bandana bibs on Amazon with some friends of ours. It's gone great so far! As of now, we have six sets total. It's been such a fun project for us!
- A not so fun part of the summer: I had a really tough miscarriage. :( I found out I was pregnant at the end of June. We were thrilled! I prepped to get really sick, then the sickness never came. It made me a little nervous, so I went in for a 6 week ultrasound, and there was a heartbeat and everything! All was well, so I stopped worrying. I went in for a routine checkup at 9 weeks, and the baby had stopped growing at 8 weeks--no heartbeat anymore. :( I was devastated, of course. I ended up being rushed to the ER a week or so later from losing too much blood. I ended up being admitted overnight, and then spent most of August in bed. It was a rough ordeal that, unfortunately, isn't completely over yet. One of the hard things in life, I guess! Many thanks to the many people to helped out in so many ways during the whole thing.
- Cam and I celebrated our 30th birthdays! Cam's big day happened to be the day we were driving back from California, but his parents made it special when we stopped there for dinner on our way home. We had a fun dinner on my birthday. Plus, I got to go to Lagoon with my sister Rachel that day too! I love my kids...but so fun to go to an amusement park without them! I'm a total roller-coaster junkie, so I loved Cannibal.
- Andy took another round of swimming lessons at the Rec Center with his pal Logan.
- We had a great family reunion with Cameron's Baker side.
- We went to a Bee's game with Cameron's work.
All in all, a fantastic summer!